My new favorite travel search engine

April 23rd, 2011 used to be my favorite travel search engine.  It is a meta-search engine which compares the listings from a variety of other travel search engines.

Well, a new player in town takes the concept to a new level.  Hipmunk provides the same meta-search capabilities, but provides them in a very useful, streamlined user interface.  It also leverages an “agony algorithm” which ranks flights by a combination of price, duration and number of stops.

Fast Company magazine provide some additional description in its hipmunk review.  Or just check out the site and form your own opinion…

(Oh, and here are some additional “tips for flying” from Chris Brogan.)


Knocked Down, but not Knocked Out

April 23rd, 2011

It is rare that successful people trumpet their failures.  Most communication effort seems to be centered around the applause-winning successes.

However, I came across a business publication which included some compelling failure-lessons:

  • Endeavor (a global organization for high-impact entrepreneurs) learned you can’t always win.  In the business mantra, “Go big, or go home,” we need to spend a lot more time on the second half: “Go home.” Knowing when to shut down a failed initiative is as vital as knowing when to start one.
  • Three lessons from a Humane Society activist: (1) Don’t declare “mission accomplished” too early.  (2) Trust, but verify.  (3) Court both adversaries and allies, and use self-interest as a motivator.
  • Mohammed Ali teaches the studio chief of Colombia Pictures that “getting knocked down is part of being in the business.  It’s inevitable.  But once you know you can get up, no matter what, you become stronger and resilient.”
  • After surviving extraordinary challenges in a failed attempt to scale Mount McKinley (aka “Denali”), a mountaineer found that “nothing I have faced in business or in my personal life—nothing—has seemed insurmountable.”

These and other stories of success and failure can be found at the Harvard Business Review Failure Chronicles.

Another article (from candidly discusses the impact of entrepreneurial failure on the owner’s personal life.



@tonyparham Twitter Digest (2011-03-13)

March 14th, 2011

Failure as a Business Imperative

March 8th, 2011

I have not written on success and failure in a while now…

This morning, Chris Brogan distributed an interesting post on the concept of “failure as a business imperative.”  In addition to the common concept of  “failing fast,”  he went so far as to state that  “every bit of success I’ve had has come through failing.”
He included some interesting references, including Sam Walton, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and colleagues at HubSpot.
Click here to read his post.  I think you may find a useful gem (or two…).
(You can also find this and a few of my other posts on “success/failure” here.)

@tonyparham Twitter Digest (2011-03-06)

March 7th, 2011

@tonyparham Twitter Digest (2011-02-27)

February 28th, 2011

@tonyparham Twitter Digest (2011-02-20)

February 21st, 2011

Leveraging Tweet-Ups in Your Marketing Mix

February 16th, 2011

Joselin Mane is a long-term colleague of mine (from “back in the day” at Lotus and IBM).  He is also Chief Social Media Strategist of 451 Marketing and Co- Founder of @BostonTweetup.

Joselin  joined me on NML TV to talk about how to leverage tweet-ups in your marketing mix.  Check it out:

(If the video does not appear above, click here.)


New Product Information From CES 2011

February 14th, 2011

In January, I had the opportunity to attend CES in Las Vegas.  Lots of interesting products and technologies.

Here is one of several interviews which I did with CES exhibitors.  This video highlights a new product from Cobra.  Their new radar sensors have incorporated a networking feature which allows you to be updated regarding “issues” on the road which other drivers are experiencing ahead of you:

(If the video does not appear above, click here.)

You can also check out additional CES 2011 interviews from my colleagues at The Pulse Network by going over to this link. (Scroll down to see a collection of tabs and videos on a variety of CES 2011 topics.)


@tonyparham Twitter Digest (2011-02-13)

February 14th, 2011