- Women entrepreneurs are profiled by @thegothamgal on Monday's http://t.co/F2GP8v0i ->
- Everything You Need To Know About #Pinterest (Infographic) http://t.co/XYgex8pV ->
- The Road We've Traveled [Video] via @BarackObama http://t.co/NlC6ZClc #Leadership ->
- Video + Report: The State of #InboundMarketing in 2012 http://t.co/4udZsLW5 via @HubSpot @mvolpe ->
- Inside #Facebook @finkd 's coders develop site, @sherylsandberg 's team makes money http://t.co/M7GMWpZD via @FortuneMagazine ->
- Inside #Facebook #HR Policy is hire smart people independent of available job openings http://t.co/M7GMWpZD via @FortuneMagazine ->