- Writing a Book – Marketing And Promotion http://t.co/ETqzeW5 via @chrisbrogan ->
- Writing a Book – Making Money http://t.co/LjFqWx1 via @chrisbrogan ->
- The future of tablet computing (as envisioned in 1994) http://t.co/H0ktVJh ->
- Tough going for HP Touchpad http://t.co/XX3ORiT http://t.co/3yhWu8L http://t.co/npE3Qcw http://t.co/Bc1jaYT ->
- Rebranding Hell – A Case Study 🙂 http://t.co/Ov39GvF ->
- RT @dharmesh: @HubSpot Buys Social Media Management Platform And App Directory @Oneforty via @techcrunch http://t.co/NhMnE16 ->
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