I find certain links very informative in regards to use of social media and other web tools. Below are a few of the links which I have found most informative.
[Caveat: I have not tested all items; No warranties expressed or implied. 🙂 ] Feel free to add your blog comments (at the bottom of this post) with additional thoughts, recommendations and constructive opinions.
Additional contact info:
Web: www.TKGweb.com, Twitter: @tonyparham
General Info From @Mashable
- The Twitter Guidebook http://mashable.com/guidebook/twitter/
- Twitter Lists, Resources & How-To’s: http://mashable.com/category/twitter-lists/
- (Introductory) “The Ultimate Guide for Everything Twitter” http://tr.im/s3vf
- The Journalist’s Guide to Twitter http://mashable.com/2009/05/14/twitter-journalism/
- How to Create Custom Twitter Backgrounds http://mashable.com/2009/05/23/twitter-backgrounds/
- Reviews of 19 twitter clients: http://mashable.com/2009/06/27/twitter-desktop-apps/
- Head to Head: TweetDeck vs Seesmic Desktop: http://mashable.com/2009/04/08/tweetdeck-vs-seesmic-desktop/
- 10 Ways to Find People on Twitter: http://mashable.com/2009/07/02/twitter-people/
- 5 Ways to Get Your Questions Answered on Twitter: http://mashable.com/2009/04/21/twitter-questions-answers/
- What Type of Social Media User Are You? http://tr.im/sxPL
- When Do You Use Twitter Versus Facebook? http://tr.im/vDWG
General Info & Guides
- Michael Hyatt’s “Beginner’s Guide to Twitter“
- Sneak preview of The Twitterbook from @timoreilly: http://tr.im/vcA0
- CIO.com’s Twitter Bible: http://tr.im/tnv2
- Guy Kawasaki’s twitter tips: http://holykaw.com/all-my-twitter-tips
- How @chrisbrogan Uses Twitter:
– “How I Tweet – an FAQ”
– “How to Manage Twitter“ - Top 50 Twitter Acronyms, Abbreviations and Initialisms http://digiphile.wordpress.com/2009/06/11/top-50-twitter-acronyms-abbreviations-and-initialisms/
- The social media “viral dictionary“
- “How-To” Tips on using Tweet Deck: http://www.gissisim.com/2009/03/how-to-tweet-deck-like-a-pro/
- 10 Awesome Ways to Integrate Twitter With Your Website: http://twurl.nl/ydn07l
- 4 steps to writing good tweets (and “The 80/20 Rule of Headlines”): http://adjix.com/3sqe
- “How to Write Twitter-Friendly Headlines” http://tr.im/tnCp (via @pistachio)
- All Facebook (“The Unofficial facebook resource”): http://www.allfacebook.com/
- The Secret To Twitter Success – Be Famous, Useful Or Interesting: http://bit.ly/GeN9D
- 10 Qualities That Can Make Your Video Go Viral: http://tr.im/rfHb
- 3 types of tweeps (Personal Oriented, Business Oriented and Spam Oriented); Top 10 Twitter Tips (via @girlopinion) http://www.girlopinion.com/2009/06/06/top-10-twitter-tips/
Social Media Market Data
- Graphic from @JoselinMane: Social Media Basic Overview: http://tr.im/s3xq
- Social Media Weblog from @cherot: http://herot.typepad.com/cherot/
- The Future of Social Media Entertainment (circa Oct 2008): http://tr.im/s3wy
- Top 10 Social Media Presentations on Slideshare: http://tr.im/sxNx
- The Very Long Tail Of Facebook Applications: http://bit.ly/YdhPE (via@allfacebook)
- Statistical analysis of twitter use. (The most common way people use Twitter is as a social information filter and link distributor.) http://tr.im/oy0U
- Social Media Marketing Industry Report: http://tr.im/s3t7
- Users under 25 years old don’t tweet much relative to other age groups:
– Initial observation by @mashable
– @mashable’s hypothesis as to why
– rebuttal - 76% of firms block social networking (vs 75% weapons, 64% alcohol, 58% webmail, 52% shopping, 51% sports, 47% banking)
Business, Customer Service, Marketing
- “Twitter 101” for Business : http://tr.im/utEb
- Social Media and your PR strategy: http://tr.im/ulCa
- Twitter rules for CEO’s: http://tr.im/uQfz
- Great presentation from a former IBM colleague (@mcnairn) re: Marketing with Social Software: http://tr.im/o63E
- Lively discussion regarding the differences between Enterprise 2.0 and Web 2.0: http://tr.im/niOL
- Allow multiple people to communicate through one corporate Twitter account, and stay in sync while doing so. http://cotweet.com/
- Fast Company: 10 Commandments of Social Media: http://tr.im/psfP
- A CEO (@CommunispaceCEO) Who Really Uses Twitter http://tinyurl.com/c6k5ss
- A CEO (@coffeemaverick) shares top things he accomplished using twitter in 3 months: http://thecoffeemaverick.blogspot.com/2009/07/top-things-accomplished-using-twitter.html
- Top 20 small biz tweeps from @girlopinion: http://www.girlopinion.com/2009/06/18/top-20-small-business-twitter-tweeps/
- 25 Entrepreneurs and Businesses You Should Be Following on Twitter http://www.odesk.com/blog/2009/06/25-entrepreneurs-and-businesses-you-should-be-following-on-twitter/
- 5 Habits of Successful Executives on Twitter: http://tr.im/onVw
- How one company uses Web 2.0 tools to run and promote their business http://tr.im/oAbo
- How to Use Twitter for Customer Service http://mashable.com/2009/05/09/twitter-customer-service/
- AdAge re: Viral Videos. Part 1: http://tr.im/s7wq Part 2: http://tr.im/s7vi
– Samsung’s challenge video: http://tr.im/s7ty
– How Samsung did it: http://tr.im/s7uQ - AdAge Viral Video Chart example: http://tr.im/s7CM
- Razorfish on “How brands should use social media”: http://tr.im/sdv2
- Generating cross-cultural insights in multinational communities: http://tr.im/snYj
- “Lessons from the Frontlines; Getting Started with Social Media” – Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council’s Social Media Cluster
- MIT Sloan Management Review study monitors Twitter comments to forecast product sales (Example: movie box office sales): http://bit.ly/6qdS6v
Business Models
- 5 business models for social media startups: http://tr.im/sxOK
- Web content business models : Freemium vs. micro-billing: http://tr.im/o5q4
- Social media job search tips: here
Managing your personal brand(s)
- How To Build Your Personal Brand on Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/cjcxmw
- How To Build Your Personal Brand on Twitter: http://tr.im/lX6E
- How To Build Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn: http://tr.im/ulwE
- How To Build Your Company‘s Brand on LinkedIn: http://tr.im/ulxI
- How to Safely Blend the Personal and the Professional: http://tinyurl.com/dxkrp4 (via CIO.com)
- 10 Ways to Wreck Your Personal Brand: http://bit.ly/29uTyn
- ROA (Return on attention) is the new metric for personal and business relationships: http://is.gd/y6JK
Privacy / Etiquette
- How to Use Facebook Privacy Settings and Avoid Disaster: http://bit.ly/10n3jh
- Info re: Facebook’s soon-to-come privacy/publication enhancements: http://tr.im/qDhn
- Preventing your info/image from appearing in Facebook ads: http://tr.im/tobv
- Think Twice – That Social Media Update Could Get You Robbed:
– FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/UYnvi
– TWITTER: http://bit.ly/cj81T - BCG / Wharton re: Etiquette for the Social Networking Age – http://bit.ly/Yjc6D
A few URL Shorteners
- bit.ly
- tinyurl.com
- su.pr (Review by @rww)
- is.gd
- tr.im (Shutting down as of Aug 9, 2009. See remarks by: Mashable, Nambu Network )
- 3 Great URL Shorteners with Analytics http://bit.ly/bbptON
- 23 Essential Elements of Sharable Blog Posts: http://www.chrisbrogan.com/23-essential-elements-of-sharable-blog-posts/
- What I Have Learned in Four Years of Blogging: http://tr.im/tvDD (via @MichaelHyatt, CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers)
- 13 Idea-Starters for Bloggers with writers block: http://tr.im/tvBu
- Posterous: http://tr.im/tvKS
- WordPress Coaching: WPChick
- WordPress “Tweet-This” Plug in from (from Richard X. Thripp)
Various tools
- Twitter tools and resources: OneForty.com
- Digsby – a multiprotocol IM client that lets you chat with friends on AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, Google Talk, and Jabber with one simple-to-manage buddy list.
- Troy’s Script: One Twitter Script to Rule Them All: http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/troys_one_twitter_script_to_rule_them_all.php
- ubiquity plugin: http://www.gissisim.com/2009/03/one-firefox-plugin-to-end-them-all/
- 5 Terrific Twitter Research Tools http://mashable.com/2009/05/03/twitter-research-tools/
- 5 Awesome Tools To Track Trends On Twitter: http://blog.mrtweet.net/5-awesome-tools-to-track-trends-on-twitter-what-do-you-use
- Twitter tool to thread and archive your twitter conversations, giving you background, context and statistics: http://twitoaster.com/
- Software recommended by @chrisbrogan: http://www.chrisbrogan.com/a-quick-and-inconclusive-list-of-software-i-like/
- Cool web tools (via @MichaelHyatt, CEO Thomas Nelson Publishers): http://michaelhyatt.com/tumblr
- Presentation tools: http://is.gd/ArqZ (via @MichaelHyatt)
Additional contact info:
Web: www.TKGweb.com, Twitter: @tonyparham